Convenient Physiotherapy Clinic Near Calgary
Do you want one of the best physiotherapy solutions for a current or long term injury? At Alberta PT, we offer physiotherapy, MVA therapy, and acupuncture as well as custom orthotics all under one roof. When working with Alberta PT you can expect top-notch, one on one treatment from beginning to end.
Registered Physiotherapy Team In Calgary
Are you continuously on the go or maybe you have a busy work life? All of that continuous movement puts wear and tear on your body! At some point injury or nagging pain can occur. Whether you are experiencing discomfort in your back, or you hurt your neck, shoulder, knee, or any other location of the body, Alberta PT can assist you get back on track - swiftly.
Whether you are looking for just an evaluation of the issue, complete and effective treatment, or prevention from reinjury, Alberta PT is the choice you won’t regret.
Get Back To Pain Free Life With Physiotherapy In Calgary
We're the best at discovering the reasons even behind the slightest pain; our team of physiotherapists and MVA therapists are well-established pros who can also develop an effective rehabilitation path in addition to customized prevention guidelines that you may apply around the house or your job. Share your concerns with us and we'll help you discover answers.
Receiving our physio treatment should not seem like trouble. You only really need to make one call to get your physio session going. No more corresponding back and forth between separate physiotherapy clinics with many different professions. We have all the effective treatment options required to get you moving again pain-free. It's easy: no more pushing your schedule and no more headaches.
We understand you want a Physiotherapy clinic that is accessible, trustworthy, accomplished, and pleasant. At Alberta PT, We aim to fulfill every requirement of our clients.
A List Of Some Of Our Popular Services:
The problem with many acute pains that entail rehab and pain management is that there's no easy response to alleviating them. That's why Alberta PT utilizes an uncommon process to our Physiotherapy treatments.
Where some clinics might just offer Physiotherapy, our experienced physiotherapists concentrate on techniques that provide clients:
1. Long and short term pain alleviation
2. One to one physiotherapy treatment with a weighted focus on gaining pain-free movement
3. Progression towards your long-term health and wellness goals.
You've most likely heard of acupuncture before, you might not completely recognize the ins and outs of the modern-day version of this traditional practice. Yes, modern medical acupuncture still makes use of precise needles to promote nerves, and yes, this practice is completely supported by science.
Throughout a contemporary medical acupuncture appointment, the fine acupuncture needles are placed into really exact locations known as the body's neuro-functional sites. These sites are then either activated manually or with electricity in order to interfere with irregular activity taking place within the body. Abnormal activity can take place in a variety of locations and presents a wide range of potential dangers.
Massage Therapy
Although it's true that even a massage from inadequately trained hands might feel good, it won't provide any real health benefits. When you're seeking out a professional massage, you most likely would like one that isn't just a form of relaxation, but that additionally moves you toward your health objectives. Health benefits of massage therapy are numerous. Our massage therapy can help relax muscle, relieve muscle tightness and soreness, fight inflammation, much more!
That's why Alberta PT is the best possible place to get massage therapy services in Calgary. While our massage treatments can definitely be received by themselves, they can likewise be integrated with one of our several other services.
When it involves the massage itself, the Alberta PT team strives to cultivate a comfortable and relaxing atmosphere. Our massage therapists will talk with you to recognize the underlying concerns triggering your discomfort, and to understand the type of massage you're searching for prior to beginning. They will then provide a hands-on treatment approach to treat ease pain and improve inflammation.
If you've never before seen a chiropractic doctor in the past, you're definitely in for a treat the very first time you walk into Alberta PT. The long-established practice of chiropractic utilizes nothing but good old-fashioned know-how of the human body's skeletal and muscular systems, as well as a tiny bit of strength, to make you feel like a brand new person by the end of a visit.
Even though chiropractic is a great practice to embrace generally, it's particularly helpful when you go to Alberta PT. This is because our chiropractors and other staff members aren't just highly experienced chiropractors, but combined they have years of clinical experience that gets results.
Motor Vehicle Accidents
Physiotherapists at Alberta PT Calgary are highly qualified in providing complete diagnostics and tailoring individual treatment plan for Motor Vehicle Accidents (MVA) patients. Our dedicated physiotherapists are consistently trained to treat hard and soft tissue accident-related injury within compensatory or insurance-based policies. We effectively communicate and work in conjunction with family, medical practitioners and insurers during the injury management therapy. We advise early treatment intervention for a speedy recovery and a reduced risk of recurrence of pain and future injury.
At Alberta PT mission is to maximize mobility during rehabilitation and help you get on road to recovery to achieve active life back safely. If you or your loved one has recently been in a motor vehicle accident, book an appointment today!
Pelvic Health
Alberta PT takes great pride in being a Hub of Excellence for Pelvic Floor Therapy, facilitated by a team of highly qualified Physiotherapists and health instructors who provide breakthrough pelvic health treatments.
Our pelvic health physiotherapists are focused on a multidisciplinary approach, evidence-led physio and innovative procedures to empower your level of pelvic floor strength and functional awareness of the body. At Alberta PT, your choices over internal assessment are well respected and strict confidentiality is maintained.
Our specialized physiotherapists are always here to manage your pelvic challenges and help you achieve your desired goals.If you are experiencing pelvic pain or other symptoms of pelvic health conditions, don’t hesitate to contact us today.
Traditional Chinese Medicine
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a holistic approach to optimal health. It interlinks the body, mind and emotions in a balancing way to help prevent the underlying causes that may have led to certain painful symptoms and conditions.
At Alberta PT, we take pride in providing contemporary treatment plans based on 5000 years old philosophies and evolutionary techniques.
Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine are the two results-based tools practiced at Alberta PT, to improve physiological and biochemical aspects of the body.
Our Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practitioners with extensive knowledge and years of experience are here to help you obtain optimal health and wellbeing.
If you are interested in benefiting from TCM, contact us today for more information.
Orthotics and bracing
Are you seeking medical help for foot pain relief, preventive care or to enhance sports performance? Custom orthotics and bracing can help.
Alberta PT uses advanced technology and precise biochemical testing to analyze the primary cause of the deliberating symptoms of various foot-related ailments and provide personalized treatment plans for every client. Our care involves effective assessments, diagnosis, and therapy plans of musculoskeletal disorders and lower limb pain.
At Alberta PT, custom-made orthotics and bracing are lightweight, comfortable and shock-absorbent. While customizing clients’ orthotics, we make sure that the orthotics provide proper alignment and positioning of feet and distribute the impact leaving your feet active, stable and healthy.If you want to achieve increased mobility in your joints and pain relief in your feet, book an appointment today for personalized service.
Interdisciplinary Consults
Alberta PT is a One-Stop-Shop for rehabilitation services. We are an exception among other Physiotherapy clinics when it comes to working with interdisciplinary consults (IDC) during rehabilitation programs.
Interdisciplinary Consults involve the collaborative efforts of rehabilitation specialties and medical interventions to treat complex health issues and improve client outcomes.
We believe teamwork is a crucial part of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine. The team-working approach proves that joint efforts, trust, holistic care and consistent communication significantly maximize health improvements and reduce overall costs of treatment.
Book Your Appointment Today!
Our team is passionate about harnessing different healthcare professionals' knowledge, expertise, and skills to work towards our client’s common healthcare goals and improve their quality of life.
Want to learn more about interdisciplinary consults?
Contact us today or book an appointment for an initial consultation. We look forward to help you achieve your long-term health goals!